Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A little ol' fashion charm

The hubs and I had business in Osceola, Iowa, yesterday, and in between appointments, we had a bit of time to spare.  We did a little exploring.  After brunch at The Family Table, we headed out.

To start, a trip to Osceola is never complete without stopping at Farm & Home.  I walk up and down the aisles discovering so many 'new to me' gadgets and possible project material or supplies.

This mild weather has me thinking it's so much further along in the calendar.  It was no different, as I anticipated hearing, first, then smelling, then seeing the sweet chicks and ducks they have in the spring.  Upon opening the door, I remembered...spring is still weeks away. 

After our visit to F&H, we ventured up to the square and into Robinson's Hardware.  Once again, I found my self sweeping the rows of goods, just looking for the one or two things that would grab my attention.  I pick up and put down, making a mental note to myself for future projects.  I do the same thing at the Indianola hardware store, McCoy True Value.  Up and down, around and around...somewhat mesmerized by all the tools, paint colors, plumbing supplies, etc.  It goes without saying...I LOVE doing this!

Robinson's offers a bit of 'a step back in time' for me.  Varying floors, multiple rooms, and so many things I didn't even know they made anymore and have not seen for years.  If you can't find it at Robinson's, I don't know where you'd find it.  

I could have easily made a few more stops, but the call came that my computer was ready to go...and so was the hubs.  So, off we went...a few treasures came home with me, to be put to good use around the house and at Burlap & Roses.  They seemed practical and a great way to help me get organized.  Time will tell...but, I have good intentions and am Inspired to 'get 'er done'.  

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